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For People On The Road! Resource Guide For Trailers, 5th Wheels, MotorCoach. Trailer Living honors those folks who enjoy the freedom of being able to pick up and go whenever they wish. From trailer humor, trailer park living tips to useful RV, 5th wheel, motorcoach info to trailer parks and National parks information, RV cooking and so much more. We make trailer living and RV-ing hip, cool and fun.
in reference to: Trailer Life. RV, 5th Wheel, Motorcoach Resources. (view on Google Sidewiki)Trailer Life. RV Living
For People On The Road! Resource Guide For Trailers, 5th Wheels, MotorCoach. Trailer Living honors those folks who enjoy the freedom of being able to pick up and go whenever they wish. From trailer humor, trailer park living tips to useful RV, 5th wheel, motorcoach info to trailer parks and National parks information, RV cooking and so much more. We make trailer living and RV-ing hip, cool and fun.
in reference to: Trailer Life. RV, 5th Wheel, Motorcoach Resources. (view on Google Sidewiki)Aug 12, 2009
Truth About Oolong Diet Tea
Truth About Oolong Diet Tea
With so many sites selling wu yi tea also known as Wu Yi Oolong tea how is one to know which site is selling the Authentic Wu Yi Tea. Wu Yi Oolong tea must be produced in the Wu Yi Mountains which is a famous mountain range in the fujian provence in China. A variety of tea types are produced in an around Mount Wuyi Shan. The most famous of the teas produced in the Wu Yi Mountains is called Da Hong Pao or Big Red Robe.
Da Hong Pao is a very important Wu Yi Oolong tea which is also known as Wu Yi Rock Tea comes from the Wu Yi Shan, Wu Yi Mountain, in Fujian, China. Only tea from this region can be considered authentic Wu Yi Cha. It is incredibly flavorful tea from the stems of the tea plants among the rocks in the Wu Yi Mountains, so it is also called "Wu Yi Rock Tea". It is the best and rarest tea among all teas from the region. Its supply is extremely limited due to the limited growing area. Its enormous weight loss function has been recognized worldwide.
Make sure when you decide to buy Wu YI Oolong tea that you determine the grade of the tea and where it is produced. Many companies don't list the grade of the tea or tell you much about the tea. If a company does not tell you the grade of the tea, generally you are getting an inferior product. If you do any research on Oolong tea, you will find out there are dozens of grades of the tea.
White Tea, Green Tea, Oolong tea, Black tea all come from the same tea plant called the Camellia Sinesis. Oolong tea is a semi-oxidized tea and tastes more like a green tea than a black tea. The most famous of these oolong teas are grown in the Wu Yi mountains of the fujian provence. Other varieties are also grown Tiawan, Thailand, Vietnam and Africa.
You may have read about the benefits of green tea and Wu Yi Oolong tea for weight loss. Recent articles and studies have shown that Oolong tea can assist in the burning of calories and can assist in increasing your metabolic rate. Why would Wu Yi Oolong Tea be better in buring fat than green tea? Since Wu Yi Oolong Tea is semi-oxidized, it retains many more of the antioxidants such as EGCG. Wu Yi Oolong tea also appears to have larger quantites of polyphenols which may attribute to the weight loss benefits of Wu Yi Oolong Tea.
Is Wu Yi oolong tea for weight loss supported by any scientific study? There are several recent studies which have suggested that Wu Yi oolong tea may increase the metabolic rate by as much as 20-25% when used on a regular basis. It appears to do this by increasing the energy expenditure, promoting the oxidation of body fat stores and inhibiting the absorption of carbohydrates and fat. Wu Yi Oolong tea has been shown to be more effective than green tea in promoting weight loss in the studies that have been performed.
The taste of Wu Yi Oolong tea is different from green tea, black tea and other Oolong teas. It is very robust in flavor and may take some getting used to. It is closer in taste to black tea than green tea. Other oolong teas such as Tie Kuan Yin are also very good but smoother in flavor.
Be wary of any company that has a " SO CALLED FREE TRIAL". Free trials are NEVER FREE and you have to read the fine print at the bottom of the page called terms and conditions to really see what you are getting into. The companies offering FREE 14 day trials are only trying to get your CC info so they can bill you over and over again. Many have associate companies that bill you monthy for Web access fees, e-books, Insider Secrets, Well Watchers MD, Living Lean, Fit Factory if you don't read the fine print.
One of these Scam companies is called Wu-YiSource and you will find 100's of complaints about this company on sites from the BBB, , , , and a variety of sites.
If you have been taken by one of these companies, you can go to your local Attorney General in your state as well. These companies prey on innocent victims who may not always read the fine print.
There are a variety of other sites that sell Wu Yi tea that seem to be legitimate business's. Looks for a phone number that is readily available and in a prominent position on the website. If you call the number and cannot talk to a live person but get an answering machine, be wary. If the site has many testimonial with before and after pictures, most of these people are either paid models or the company has found the pictures on the web and or bought stock photos. If a site doesn't display pricing upfront, be wary. Many sites just want your information before you see pricing so they can harass you with multiple phone calls, emails etc. Click here to see if you " QUALIFY for a FREE TRIAL" is a scam and only intended to get your information so they can try to get your Credit Card info.
Green Tea Diet Pill Scam
The Green Tea Diet Pill Scam
Time to expose the Green Tea Diet Pill scam.
Green Tea is a very healthy drink, but it does NOT cause weight loss. So all those ads you see in on the Internet are a scam. It's not the magic pill it is claimed to be. Sorry to burst your bubble.
Researchers from Taiwan randomized 78 overweight women into 2 groups for the 12 week study. One was a control group, while the other group received Green Tea extract (491 mg catechins containing 302 mg EGCG - epigallocatechingallate).
Hsua, C-H., et al., Effect of green tea extract on obese women: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Clinical Nutrition, 27(3), 2008.
This level of EGCG exceeded the amount given to subjects in a past Green Tea extract study that showed an increase in metabolism. So if Green Tea was to work for weight loss, than this study would prove it.
However, for folks who are praying that Green Tea is a miracle weight loss solution, the results were disappointing. There was only a 0.3% reduction in BW (0.15 kg) after 12 weeks of treatment with GTE, and that was not a significant improvement over time or better than the placebo group.
Fortunately, the Green Tea extract did improve health by reducing LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, while increasing HDL ("good cholesterol"). The placebo group only had a significant reduction in triglycerides.
So the bottom line is this. Green Tea is healthy, but doesn't cause fat loss, which is something that I've said ever since I read the original "metabolism boosting" research study.
There's no such thing as a magic pill for weight loss. So forget about the easy way out.
Once you accept that burning fat is a difficult task, and that it requires planning and following a proven, structured workout program, only then will you get results.
Green Tea for health, not weight loss scammery,
By: Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
About the Author
Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men’s Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit
Mega T Green Tea Chewing Gum Scam Review
Mega T Green Tea Chewing Gum
Mega T Green Tea Chewing Gum Review One of the biggest products to hit the market purely on the basis of the recently sensationalized green tea, Mega T Green Tea has now produced a chewing gum. As if their other claims and other formula weren't enough, they now claim that you can "lose up to 20 lbs" with the Mega T Green Tea Chewing Gum.
Price: $35.88
Ingredients and Mechanism of Action
Mega T Green Tea Chewing Gum ingredients include green tea, chromium, garcinia cambogia, guarana, eleuthero, fo-ti, bladderwrack, and gotu kola.
So with up to 20 pounds of supposed weight loss, how long is that supposed to take? A year, 2 years, give us specifics here. Most of these ingredients are nothing more than eye candy, or they require other combination's to produce any results at all. with only 90mg green tea or so they name, when green tea requires a minimum 400mg, that is not a good sign to say the least. The only reason you might benefit from this is due to the somewhat appetite suppressing properties of the chewing action involved with gum, and that is really not significant.
Mega T Green Tea Chewing Gum is not safe to take if:
* You have a pre-existing medical condition such as heart disease
* You have a family history of medical conditions such as heart disease
* You have caffeine sensitivities
* You have high blood pressure
Possible Side Effects
* Insomnia
* Diarrhea
* Irregular heart beat
* Dizziness
* Vomiting
* Headache
* Loss of appetite
* Raised blood pressure
* Increased heart rate
Overall Impression of Mega T Green Tea Chewing Gum:
Let's cut right to the chase. You won't lose weight with Mega T Green Tea Chewing Gum. It's a simple fact really. They have one ingredient that they claim to be their main ingredient, which might promote some weight loss. But realistically, it won't happen.